Frequently Asked Questions
How does purchasing a property from your site work?

You click the reserve button for an initial deposit. We will then prepare the paperwork for you to sign to initiate the agreement. If you are paying cash, we will coordinate a cashier’s check or wire transfer.  You may also choose to use a title company.

Are you a real estate agent?

No, we own all of the properties that are available for purchase on this site.

Can you help me look for a specific kind of property?

Please join our list to be notified about new properties before we have the chance to list them.  Many properties sell before they make it on our site!

Are their any hidden fees when buying land from you?

There are no hidden fees.  You will be responsible for property taxes and HOA fees if applicable. You will also be responsible for the cost if you would like to close through a title company.

What is a land contract?

A land contract is a form of private seller financing where the buyer agrees to make payments over a period of time.  Title of the property transfers to the buyer upon satisfaction of all payments.

How does seller financing work with Quality Vacant Land?

Land owner financing is when the owner of the land finances the purchase of the land themselves. The owner acts just like a bank, giving you the land in exchange for receiving regular payments for the land until it is paid in full. The land itself is the collateral.

Think of it just like getting a mortgage from the bank, but without all the hassle and paperwork and credit checks and pre-approval.

Landowners like owner financing because it allows them to sell more property, including those who might not normally be able to afford the purchase, while also providing a steady stream of cash flow.

Investors like owner financing because it allows them to invest in more property even if they don’t have the full amount of money available.

The land investment is the collateral itself, so if you no longer want the property, you can simply return it to us and you will not be expected to pay anything else.

There is no penalty for early payment of the land.